How a Bill Becomes Law
How a Bill Becomes Law , newsprint, newspaper ads, wasp nest, paste, cardboard, ink, acrylic, 24 X 24" (2024).Click to enlarge photo.
(text) " 1) Using its bill to detect signs of life, a platypus captures a worm tied to a bundle of cash. 2) Falling all over himself to grab loose money, Rep. Inpocket kicks a long-tabled Bill onto the floor of the House, where it is approved along party lines. 3) Following a legal challenge, the law is rushed before the Supreme Court in the beloved Puppy Chow Covered Wagon. 4) Meanwhile, the cash falls into the pocket of a gov’t appointee, who suspends a ban on force-feeding food past the bill of a confined goose to harvest its cancerous liver. 5) Served as pate de foie gras, the delicacy convinces Justice Wimpy to vote with the majority approving the law, which entitles a drug company to receive government compensation for abortion pills it can’t sell in states that ban abortions. "